Get Know the Therapist

We have been in business for 20 years. Jason Zeringue started this business with a goal to help people get back to their normal lifestyle after experiencing an injury or going through surgery. He is currenting our only Physical Therapist working. We have an excellent staff of Physical Therapy Technicians, a Receptionist, and an Office Manager.

Therapist Experiences and Values

Jason Zeringue got his Bachelor of Science degree at McNeese State University right here in Lake Charles in December of 1996. He went on the finish his Masters of Physical Therapy degree at LSU-HSC Shreveport in August 1999.  He has been practicing since 1999. Right out of physical therapy school, Jason worked at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital helping patient restore physical mobility and function surgery. In April of 2003, he opened up Moss Bluff Physical Therapy in Moss Bluff, Louisiana. Having been in practice since 199, his experience includes overseeing the examination and evaluation of a diverse range of patients and developing an outpatient care plan tailored to each patient's needs and objectives.


We are looking forward to help you get back to a healthy lifestyle.

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